Tuesday, July 27, 2010


If you think out of the box my dear

then it is evident…it is very clear

that you are not confined in a shell

and each moment….there is something to tell…

but if you are an out of box thinker

then I daresay…you shall tinker…

with the REALITY ,which is so dear to most

and you shall not get …often…a toast

for your words and your actions…..

as in this world…clearly are two factions…

One that goes by the line…it is the gang of successful conformists and the other …..OUT OF BOX mavericks…outsiders… and misfits !!!

what is think out of box?

Thinking outside the box is to think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective. It is about challenging the status quo and being innovative , its about finding solutions where non apparently exists. Most of the innovation in this world is due to unconventional out of box thinkers